An NFS is known as a network file system, a frequently used network service that provides a distributed file system allowing users on client machines to access data on a network. Think of this as your google drive account where you create a folder sharing with your friends and whatever file you upload there they will have access to it. A Network File System, or NFS, is similar and more professionally used and it is required for businesses to transfer data over a network. Any distant computer or device that connects to the network you’ll be using might access remote data and files.
All members of a network will have access to the same files, making file sharing more convenient. I won’t dig much more into the details of it but if you are interested you can read more here about how it works and other technical details. NFS has some major disadvantages and one of them is its security aspects of it. The fact that NFS is built on RPCs, which are fundamentally unsafe and should only be used on a trusted network behind a firewall, is the first and greatest security risk. NFS will be exposed to online attacks if this does not happen. In this article, I will focus more on how a network file system can be enumerated and exploited following a tutorial from TryhackMe.
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